What is this?

Creative Commons (CC) is an internationally recognized licensing framework that provides authors and creators with a simple, standardized way to grant permission to others to use or share their work, while reserving the right to control how the work is used. It enables users to retain their copyright while allowing users to share and build on the work, provided they meet certain terms, conditions, and attribution requirements. CC provides creators with the flexibility to determine the type of use and to decide which permissions and limitations apply to their work. It recognizes the contributions of every author and artist, and provides them with a way to access and foster collaboration and sharing that respects their intellectual property.

See also: neoliberal capitalism, post capitalism, culture hack

(13) Excerpt from Alnoor Ladha Harnessing the Internet for Collective Projects and Action 333

(13) Alan Ruttenberg, Alnoor Ladha, Matthew Stinchcomb: Harnessing the Internet 88